Our office will be closed from December 19th to January 6th for the holiday season.
If you are living with tooth loss, you may be looking for tooth replacement options. While missing teeth can leave unsightly gaps, the loss is more than a cosmetic issue. In fact, having one or more missing teeth can make it hard to eat and speak properly. What’s more, it can cause jaw discomfort and bite problems.
A bridge has the ability to replace a missing tooth. It can also close a gap that is causing nearby teeth to loosen. Therefore, the restoration will fill the space and restore your natural smile.
We offer four types of tooth bridges at Paul Graf DDS. Your Spring dentist will help you determine the best choice for you.
Dental bridges provide several benefits. This popular tooth replacement solution yields appealing cosmetic results. Bridges not only fill in gaps in your smile but also create a beautiful, uniform smile.
So, if you are missing one or more teeth, call our Paul Graf DDS to learn more about dental bridges in Spring.