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Sleep apnea can result in an involuntary pause in your breath, which causes blockage of your airway. You will stop breathing unknowingly during sleep and gasp for breath if you have the disorder.
Untreated sleep apnea may result in severe health issues, including heart-related complications and depression. You may experience fatigue, drowsiness, and further health issues, and it’s essential to visit the dental specialist near you for treatment.
Early treatment is crucial in ensuring that your airways have free circulation of air. Ensure you visit your health specialist for consultation, diagnosis, and treatment is you snore heavily, or experience shortness of breath during sleep. Sleep Apnea Treatment in Spring, TX, involves opening up your airways to allow your brain to send the breathing signal.
Sleep apnea is a life-threatening condition that causes shortness of breath as you sleep. It hinders the free passage of oxygen in your airways, leading to snoring disorders. The condition may lead to numerous health complications if left untreated, including:
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Kuykendahl is achieved through the use of breathing appliances and surgery. You can undergo treatment through lifestyle therapy to improve your sleep. Oral appliances are also applicable in case you have mild or moderate sleep apnea.
The condition is classified into obstructive and central sleep apneas overlap. Your specialist determines the type through diagnosis, and the symptoms of sleep apnea include:
Obstructive sleep apnea results from the relaxation of your throat muscles. If you have both central and obstructive sleep apnea, the syndrome becomes complex, and surgery is vital for its treatment. It would be best if you seek treatment to ease the associated symptoms and prevent heart-related and other life-threatening complications.
It would be suitable to seek urgent medical help if you experience loud snoring, which is an indication of a potentially severe condition. The condition leads to a decline in your overall health and life-threatening conditions, including stroke, depression, and heart failure.
There are various treatment approaches based on the level of your condition. The treatment focuses on normalizing breath during sleep, and the treatment options involve lifestyle changes, medical and oral appliances, or a surgical procedure.
Mild sleep apnea can be treated through home-based lifestyle changes. Your health practitioner may recommend you to undergo the following therapeutic approaches:
CPAP is a medical appliance that involves wearing a mask over your mouth or nose as you sleep. The mask is attached to a machine that’s used to supply a constant airflow into your airways. This air supply keeps your airways open to allow your breath to remain normal. For Bi-level positive airway pressure (BPAP), the airflow changes as you inhale and exhale. Your doctor will help you determine the ideal airway pressure method.
You might undergo an invasive surgical procedure to enlarge your tonsils. Nasal surgery is vital since it widens your airways and facial issues. Your specialist might recommend you for surgery if your condition has become severe.
We can treat you if you experience frequent episodes of snoring, fatigue, and drowsiness, which are attributed to obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea Treatment in 77379 involves diagnosis to determine whether your condition is mild or severe.
Our health practitioners recommend the use of CPAP or oral appliances for mild to moderate sleep apnea symptoms. At Paul Graf DDS, we take impressions and customize oral devices that fit on your lower and upper jaws to their optimal positions. The oral appliances are vital in opening your airways during sleep, to manage snoring disorders.
The condition is life-threatening, and you need immediate medical attention to ensure that it doesn’t lead to further complications. Please schedule an appointment with us today if you need treatment for sleep apnea.