Our office will be closed from December 19th to January 6th for the holiday season.
Dentures are a great and affordable way to replace your missing teeth. They are specifically effective if you have multiple or all teeth missing. While the dentures are durable and long-lasting, they lose their fit at some point and their functionality too.
When teeth are removed, the alveolar bone is left exposed, and it begins to be reabsorbed back to the body for other use. This process starts to occur four months after teeth are extracted and gradually continue as we age.
The reabsorption of the alveolar bone causes the jaws to shrink and the other teeth to weaken. If you are wearing dentures, they will loosen and become ill-fitting. Loose dentures are at a higher risk of breaking and damage. Furthermore, they can also damage your gums and teeth. That is why we recommend getting denture repair in Spring, TX.
The signs to watch out for include:
When you experience these problems with your dentures, get denture repair near your services.
When you visit our dentist in Spring, TX, he will assess the dentures and recommend any of the following repair solutions:
Denture relines fixes the side of the false teeth that comes into contact with your gums and soft tissues. The process involves resurfacing the denture to make it fit better. The primary goal of the reline is to prevent excess pressure place on your soft tissues. This pressure cause lesions, irritation, and lumps on the gums.
Reline can be soft or hard and can be done at the dental office or the lab. Soft reline is recommended for first-time denture wearers or those experiencing bone resorption at an accelerated rate. The reline involves using a pliable material on the side of the denture to increase comfort. They can last for two years but need constant readjustments.
Hard reline is long-lasting—lasting about five years. The procedure is similar to the soft reline, only that it uses a material that is harder.
When the dentures wear off unevenly, they may need to be fixed. For instance, the pink acrylic that holds the teeth wears out quicker than the rest of the teeth; the dentist will reprocess the dentures again and replace all the worn-out areas. This repair option is preferred when all the teeth are in good condition but the acrylic is damaged.
The dentist can adjust your ill-fitting dentures at his office. An adjustment is made if the dentures are in good condition but are slightly loose.
Although you cannot prevent bone shrinkage after the teeth are removed, there are ways you can extend the lifespan of the dentures.
Schedule regular dental checkups with the dentist for assessment and cleaning of the dentures. It is easy for the dentist to detect ill-fitting dentures and repair them on time.
Visit Paul Graf DDS dental clinic for more information on dentures, what causes them to loosen and how to fix them.